By Hbartlett
United Kingdom
A have a beach hedge which seems to be dying. The hedge is about 10 feet high and about 40 years old. A section of the hedge has turned brown. I attach 3 photos, the first shows a general view of the hedge including a dead section, the second a view of the dead part and the third a close up of the dead leaves. What can I do about this please.

19 Sep, 2016
If it's truly dead wood, the twigs will snap off revealing brown dry wood. Those branches you can cut out with pruning shears to the ground. The opening will close up fairly quickly.
19 Sep, 2016
Previous question
it looks like normal autumn leaf loss. ours does this, different trees in the hedge 'change' their leaves before the others.
is this the first time they have done this?
check at soil level and see if you have any toadstools coming from this one.
welcome to GoY too :o)
19 Sep, 2016