By Alihildred
United Kingdom
My dad decided our honeysuckle was dead (it wasnt) and cut it back to a stump basically. It WAS rather beautiful if overgrown. I wonder if anyone could let me know if there is any hope for it next year? Thanks

19 Sep, 2016
If it does grow just a few long stems then you would need to cut them back by half to make them bush out.
19 Sep, 2016
Thank you. I'll wait and see then do as instructed.
20 Sep, 2016
well the one that OH cut down to the ground to kill it came back even more rampant. having said that it was a wild one not a named variety.
20 Sep, 2016
It will come back with a vengeance.
20 Sep, 2016
If its wild woodbine it will come back, dad used to cut it to the ground every few years.....just made it more vigorous
Named varieties are not so rampant I think
20 Sep, 2016
Ah, looking more hopeful then! Thanks everyone!
21 Sep, 2016
Well it might regrow, but often, once honeysuckle's been brutally cut back, all it produces are a few stems which get very long rather than clumps of stems. You'll have to wait and see...
19 Sep, 2016