By Joanairey
Middlesex, United Kingdom
Has anyone grown green chillies? My chillies are hanging there and I have already used a couple in curries. I picked them and used them immediately. Does anyone know how long they will last if I pick them and don't use them immediately? Can I just put them in a spice jar? If I leave them on the plant until I want them, will they become overripe? Any advice or information anyone can give will be grately appreciated.
- 20 Sep, 2016
Thanks Bathgate. I'll give it a try but on a smaller scale than you as I only have a small freezer section!
20 Sep, 2016
Well if you are like me, they won't last too long anyway. I go through them at lightening speed. lol good luck! The neighbors are getting theirs too.
20 Sep, 2016
chillies can also be dried and kept indefinitely.
21 Sep, 2016
Like all veg and fruit, they won't keep unless you freeze them or dry them (we do both).
To freeze, simply pop them in a freezer bag.
If you're seriously stuck for even a small amount of freezer space, dry them (do an internet search for instructions) and keep them in a lidded jar in your store cupboard.
21 Sep, 2016
we freeze them they don't take up much space. A friend of ours dries them then puts them in a pepper grinder/mill to add to his food.
21 Sep, 2016
I never tried to dehydrate them. Would that work for making Stuffed Peppers or Stuffed Chillies?
21 Sep, 2016
No, because they become brittle when dried. For stuffing, they need to be fresh.
21 Sep, 2016
Thanks all of you!
27 Sep, 2016
Previous question
I do. They freeze very well. Put them all in a giant zip lock freezer bag or tuberware container. Keep them in the freezer frozen solid. Then just take them as you need them. You can have fresh chillies all year long. There are endless ways to enjoy them too.
20 Sep, 2016