By Galahad
United Kingdom
Why have my standard oleanders in pots / full sun, not flowered when they had loads ofor buds????
25 Sep, 2016
No they never wilted, but I may not have watered them enough! Someone told me they didn'the need much water!
25 Sep, 2016
Will they be OK again next year providing I keep them watered?
25 Sep, 2016
Hopefully, as long as the winter doesn't get them. Also use a balanced fertilizer on them regularly, too--they need more food than you might think while in containers.
25 Sep, 2016
Thanks for all your input!?
26 Sep, 2016
How often should I feed them?
26 Sep, 2016
I planted 2 clematis against a trellis nd both of themy died off ! I think the soil is too poor quality! Is there any other climber I could plant instead in poo quality soil?
26 Sep, 2016
The frequency of feeding depends on the type of food:
Liquid or soluble foods, such as standard Miracle Gro, are the most frequent--best applied every 2-4 weeks.
Ordinary granular foods, such as Grow More, usually run as a light dose every month or two.
Timed release foods, such as Osmocote, Are applied every 3-9 months, depending on the brand and "model".
Always read the labels and follow the labels' directions.
As for the trellis, that might be better off as a new question, to attract a wider batch of respondents. My experience might not be much help there, since although I have grown many Oleanders, the best vines for you climate are beyond my expertise. I recommend that you provide a detailed description of your soil--i.e. sandy, clay, chalky, peaty, etc.--and what you think is wrong with it. The sun exposure on the trellis would be useful information, too.
26 Sep, 2016
Did they dry out to the point of wilting at any time, Galahad? Oleanders are known for their drought tolerance wherever they grow in the ground, but in pots they need constant moisture, and one of the effects of a dry spell is the abortion of the flower buds as the plant tries to conserve. Other causes of bud loss are sudden heavy feeding, and cold spells.
25 Sep, 2016