By Vjd
United States
just planted 2 good size hydrangeas[macrophylla nikko blue]. does anyone have any tips on growing them? it is my first attempt on growing them.
26 Sep, 2016
thanks, planted them in a semi sunny area, tag said morning sun? soil is probably acidly as there are a few pine trees, near, soil is also kinda dry, but i water a lot,what is in the bed know is sedum, hostas ,a lot of ferns and a couple of rhodos, trying to get more color into that bed, been awful dry there dug down to plant and soo dry, storm is heading my way now!!!!!!!
26 Sep, 2016
Morning sun afternoon shade= good. Acid soil will keep them blue=good. Dry soil=bad so keep up the watering with deep watering once a week and a 2 inch layer of mulch around the plants will help retain moisture. Also give it some fertilizer twice yearly. The only other thing was that planting them late spring would have been better for establishment of a good root ball for the winter. Best Regards.
27 Sep, 2016
thanks for info, have stockpiled a lot of mulch to take care of plants during winter months
27 Sep, 2016
We plant a ton of Hydrangeas in Vermont as they dwell in our winters, and are just easy for us.My only suggestion is to keep watered to get it established, do not give it full sun, and take care of it's pruning, either spring or fall.
3 Oct, 2016
thanks wells i appreciate the help
4 Oct, 2016
Some additional info is needed, here goes.... What is your growing zone?...what type of soil did you plant them in?....did you plant them in full or part sun? the soil moist or dry or does it alternate...etc. I think that this additional detail will help the members in their answer to your question.
26 Sep, 2016