I would take pieces of stem in late fall, after the leaves have fallen, pencil thick to little finger thick, and about 15-20 cm long. Cut them just above a bud on the top, and just below a bud on the bottom. Set them in moist sand, just deep enough to hold them up, and put them in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse. The next spring, the ones that have struck roots will sprout leaves, and may be planted out where they will grow, maybe after hardening off a bit. Usually, you take three times as many cuttings as you need plants, and the neighbors often appreciate the extras, if any.
I would take pieces of stem in late fall, after the leaves have fallen, pencil thick to little finger thick, and about 15-20 cm long. Cut them just above a bud on the top, and just below a bud on the bottom. Set them in moist sand, just deep enough to hold them up, and put them in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse. The next spring, the ones that have struck roots will sprout leaves, and may be planted out where they will grow, maybe after hardening off a bit. Usually, you take three times as many cuttings as you need plants, and the neighbors often appreciate the extras, if any.
12 Aug, 2010