By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Virus or draught? These are some of the top growth of a piilu clematis. There has been flowers but late for first flush. There are some new leaves which appear OK . An adjacent clematis is not affected.

8 Oct, 2016
It faces south but it's beside a pillar rather than in a big corner. It probably has been too dry but as the others along the wall are okay I just wanted to be sure about a virus. It's been so dry up here for weeks.
8 Oct, 2016
then you need to water Clematis hate to be dry!
8 Oct, 2016
Previous question
« Name that plant!!! Photo taken in Madiera last May.I love it.
Only you can know if this clematis is sitting in a drafty spot, it doesn't look like virus to me and I wonder if you are keeping it well enough watered. Planted in the corner as it is it could be in a rain shadow, which way does it face, south, east or west?
8 Oct, 2016