By Hank
United Kingdom
I was given a bundle of wet straw yesterday which I understand it's best put in the compost bin. Then I was advised to chop it up small for best results.
There must be a simple way to do this but I can't think of it.
17 Oct, 2016
I'd be inclined to hand it back to whoever gave it to you - there is no simple way to chop it up, its some length of time with some sort of cutting implement, bit by bit. Life's too short is my thought...
17 Oct, 2016
There was a blog here some time ago about growing stuff on straw bales - is your bundle big enough to be able to have a go at that?
17 Oct, 2016
No S, just a very small sackful.. Tried the shears this morning ..- useless. Chuck it away I guess.
17 Oct, 2016
What is chopping it up going to achieve? Mix some soil or old compost in with it and stick it in the bin. It will rot down.
18 Oct, 2016
Before I read Bulba's comment was going to suggest making it the base of a freestyle compost heap in the garden. Just sling it in a corner and cover it with lawn mowings, fallen leaves and what have you. It will all rot down eventually, especially if you stick a couple of spadefuls of soil on it as well from time to time.
18 Oct, 2016
The guy who gave it to me told me it must be chopped up, but if you say it doesn't I'll stick it in there. The bin's 3/4 full anyway.
18 Oct, 2016
Just put some soil or lawn mowings on top of it to give it a start.
18 Oct, 2016
ThanksS,B, it's in with soil on top.
19 Oct, 2016
You could try a long serrated bread knife.
17 Oct, 2016