By Jenlewis
United Kingdom
Pruning Acer? The previous owners planted this Acer. It looks like they just buried the pot, is it ok to leave it like this? It is also just in front of my front room window and blocking the view so can I prune it? If I can, when is the best time to do this? Thank you for any advice you all can give me.

26 Oct, 2016
I had thought that. I don't understand their planting. They have put mint straight into the ground so it's spreading like wild fire and then there was a conifer by the front garden gate buried in a small pot that I've had to dig out and dump as it was dying. Last week i had to dig out a cornus Kousa they had planted right up against next door house wall.Knowing that this will eventually die if i don't move it, would still like to cut it back a bit so can you give me any advice on that while I work out where to move it to?
26 Oct, 2016
Prunning an Acer tree properly requires the advice of a professional arborist which I am not. It is a considerable investment of time, effort & money. The desireable result will take years. Is this tree worth it? The best I can do is direct you to this website which breaks the process down into easy to follow steps. Good luck.
26 Oct, 2016
As the Acer is in a pot I'd lift the whole thing and replant, in the ground, in a more suitable spot. Make sure it isn't in a windy spot or one that gets too much sun. I wonder if it has been kept in a pot because your soil is alkaline. I wouldn't attempt to prune, as Bathgate says this is a specialist job. Otherwise you are going to end up with something that looks a complete mess.
26 Oct, 2016
Thank you both for your advice. How tall do they get? Tried looking it up but found conflicting heights.
26 Oct, 2016
Lifting this tree will be difficult/impossible since roots have grown out through the bottom of the pot.
26 Oct, 2016
So I have to face it, its a goner so might as well leave be till it gives up. Thanks again for advice.
26 Oct, 2016
As Bathgate says, it is highly likely that the roots will have grown down beyond the base of the pot as the Acer looks so bushy and healthy. It is now coming into its dormant season, so you just might be able to pull it up if you are very strong, and you soak it first.
If successful, dig a large hole and fill around the roots with ericaceous compost (unless your soil is reliably acid) It would be such a shame to lose such a good-looking tree, so I hope you can save it.
26 Oct, 2016
Thank you Sheilabub. Overnight been trying to workout in my head where I would move it to. I'm lucky that front garden is sheltered from wind by the big wall all around it. In the 2nd photo through the window on the right hand side there is a apple tree that we are thinking of taking out. Previous owner grew 2 trees from a apple she bought from a supermarket. Both autumn's we have been here they have not done very well and the apples are not very tasty. The other apple tree is going to be replaced with the Fig tree she had planted in total shade in the back garden. Thanks again for your help.
27 Oct, 2016
Do let us know the outcome Jen - even though it may take a while . . .
27 Oct, 2016
I will do :-).
27 Oct, 2016
Good luck Jen, hope it works out for you!
27 Oct, 2016
Thank you Moon grower
27 Oct, 2016
Hello! I don't think this tree will last very long. The roots will eventually girdle and strangle the tree.
26 Oct, 2016