By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Lily identification please.
these are the bulbs of a species lily. Either pardalinum or leichtlinii. Can anyone say which they are.
the labels faded, so much for the pen being fade proof!

4 Nov, 2016
Mate is annoying
4 Nov, 2016
His/her account has been deleted Roses so we won't be seeing any more asinine remarks!
4 Nov, 2016
I suspect Mate and Rosesrosesr... are the same person, but time will tell....
4 Nov, 2016
Yup it will, meanwhile SBG still needs an answer to her lily question. From the bulb it is pardalinum, google both the species and look at images SBG
4 Nov, 2016
I was thinking the same Bamboo. Someone with nothing better to do than make stupid and obnoxious comments on here.
4 Nov, 2016
That's brilliant MG, These must be the ones my OH uprooted when he was 'tidying up' last year. I rescued as many as possible from the bin.
I have both in the garden. I didn't really get much joy on the net and specialists never show the bulb just the flowers.
4 Nov, 2016
if you type lilium xxx bulb into a google search and then click on images you do get images of just the bulb as well as flowers. I did this to be certain.
4 Nov, 2016
thanks I will give it another go.
4 Nov, 2016
Not again.....this guy is such a pain.
4 Nov, 2016
and he is back with 33 in stead of ee after his/her name.
5 Nov, 2016
Well we all know that even if mates account is deleted, he can rejoin within 3 minutes just by using a different name... we may be stuck with him for a while,but other than apologising to new people if he posts something unacceptable, he should be completely ignored. He probably can't help it, poor soul, he's obviously got mental health problems - its the old thing, guys, don't feed the troll by saying anything at all directly to him....
5 Nov, 2016
Totally agree Bamboo however the boys may be able to solve this one yet!
5 Nov, 2016
Oh dear a sad little person. I have flagged this. Perhaps more to be pitied than scolded.
4 Nov, 2016