United States
Could someone please tell me their most common pest in their garden? I am working on a project and I need answers quickly
5 Nov, 2016
Thanks for replying to the question, Bamboo. This 'Mate' here should just leave and I totally agree with his/her 'mental health problems'
5 Nov, 2016
Tobacco budworms on Pelargoniums, closely followed by tent caterpillars on Tecoma varieties.
5 Nov, 2016
Pity about "mate". A good education should help make a gentleman out of a person, not leave them as a rude, crude mocker.
5 Nov, 2016
Slugs, without a doubt. I assume we won't be seeing any more of the prat who gave the first 3 answers ?
5 Nov, 2016
I can't agree. The slugs in my garden are eaten by hedgehogs and birds and I'd rather see them than be slug free.
5 Nov, 2016
The answer to this could be given in a seasonal way too for instance, in my case....early spring it was mink which cleaned out my ponds of every fish in them.....mid summer it was the Japanese beetle which damaged many of my ornamental plants and trees...and late summer/early fall it was a voracious groundhog fattening itself up for its winter hibernation.
5 Nov, 2016
Rabbits are my worst pest, they eat everything and dig holes all over the place.
5 Nov, 2016
Its snails here. With slugs a close second. I would love to have hedgehogs but there are badgers, so no chance.
5 Nov, 2016
Yea, thinking about it, where you live (even within a particular country, never mind different countries) makes a huge difference - in some areas of the UK, deer would be high on the list of pests, likely even the worst pest.
Hank - not necessarily, we may not have seen the last of our deranged friend. But ignore him, apart from apologising to newbies if he's rude - best thing to do with a child that's spat its dummy is stick it on the naughty step and ignore it till it recovers a couple of functioning brain cells...this poor person may never recover some equilibrium, but the treatment's the same.
5 Nov, 2016
Bamboo and others are right on in dealing with toxic web problems such as this, ignore it and never respond.
5 Nov, 2016
Cats for me as the foul the soil. then vine weevils, [slugs, snails and greenfly damage plants but they attract birds, frogs and other beneficial insects].
5 Nov, 2016
Hi, welcome to GoY, it's cats for me too, they think they own the place, Derek.
5 Nov, 2016
Here it's humans. The litter they throw all about the place blows into my garden and I have to collect it and put it in the bin. I am fed up with it. This includes post men/women who throw elastic bands all about the place, from their bundles of letters.
Mealy bugs (or woolly aphids)are also a nuisance. They are on my cacti and succulents. I cope with slugs and snails. They don't bother me much except that they eat my hostas. I can cope with that, but the mealy bugs and humans are the worst.
5 Nov, 2016
Mine is the so called holy than thou Christain church people next door to me who wont cut their trees back where by I get hundreds and thousands of seeds which embed in my soil from their giant Sycamore tree that over hangs three quarters of my garden also all their bind weed brambles 6ft high which invades my garden and strangles my plants
5 Nov, 2016
Deer and rabbits in mine. Big problem. Deer does not have natural predator here (except cars and human) so they multiply happily. Rabbits have some but they multiply in large numbers. They eat absolutely everything. Sometimes squirrels can be a nuisance too but to a lesser extent.
Good luck with your project.
5 Nov, 2016
I am flagging this you dumb person who doesn't know anything. You better go to the hospital fast, because you've mental issues.
6 Nov, 2016
Ha, ha, oh dear, I have to say, this person is so ridiculous its made me laugh out loud - the word he's repeated is as common as hello these days, although not within the rules of the site, it has to be said.... but it so reminds me of a friend's three year old grandson having a tantrum - he's going through an unfortunate phase of using this word at the moment.
6 Nov, 2016
Pay no mind to this....when you see this stuff imagine that you are just hearing a dog barking and no more than that.
6 Nov, 2016
Downy Mildew and how it took out all my cucumbers literally overnight before I could do anything.
7 Nov, 2016
I seem to have missed something, tho' from your comments perhaps not much? Wood lice are my problem. They eat flower petals. Also the usual slugs & snails. Cats are a problem too. They all like to use my garden, but my own cat always uses a litter tray now, getting a bit spoilt & lazy, doesn't go out much, especially if it's cold or wet.
People littering must be very annoying, Hywel.
9 Nov, 2016
I absolutely cant stand the Japanese Beatles! The aphids are a pain as well. Then of course the squirrels who love to dig up my bulbs! Someone told me to get rubber snakes to scare them off. haha Or a big plastic owl to put up in the tree. Yep. Neither one worked. smh
13 Nov, 2016
I don't know about squirrels, Jana, but with birds, fake snakes and owls have to be moved at least twice a day, or the birds get wise to them. Most people don't want to go through the bother.
14 Nov, 2016
I heard that garlic repels squirrels and other critters & so does peppermint Try planting some garlic among your tulips. At least you can eat it. I don't have an issue with squirrels or mice because some feral cat likes to sleep under my forsythia.
14 Nov, 2016
Previous question
Apologies Charliesgarden, we appear to have attracted some poor soul who is a Care in the Community Patient with mental health problems.
To answer your question, the commonest pest here in the UK (other than the aforementioned type of person) is probably slugs and snails.
5 Nov, 2016