West Sussex,
United Kingdom
Mulching roses. I have bought ordinary compost and bags of farmyard manure. Is it better to apply compost as a mulch now and the manure in spring or the other way round? Or should I just mix the two together and apply now or leave it until spring? I know I need to clear up the fallen rose leaves but there are still plenty of blackspotted ones on the bushes. Thank you.
7 Nov, 2016
I would wait until spring before any mulch or manure spreading. Yes, certainly pick up all dead infected leaves and confine them to the bonfire or black bags. As you still have black spot, I would give all your roses a spray in early spring to kill over-wintering spores and any wooden trellis or arches that your roses might be growing on.
7 Nov, 2016
Thanks very much Bamboo and Jimmy for clarifying what I should do about the roses.
9 Nov, 2016
Best mulched in spring, around April/May, after you've fed the roses (if you feed them that is, with something like Toprose) and when the soil is moist. The composted farmyard manure on its own will be fine - if the 'ordinary' compost you've bought is potting compost, its best use is in containers or pots, that's what it's intended for, but if you like you can spread on the ground.
7 Nov, 2016