By Maggiewilson
United Kingdom
I planted some tulip and daffodil bulbs for the first time a month or so back now and I have noticed some are starting to shoot. I thought they were meant to start shooting next spring or just before?
17 Nov, 2016
As Oldb. says, natural and normal. They'll be fine and then romp away next spring!
17 Nov, 2016
Oh that's really good to know.... thanks old.b and thanks moon_grow?
17 Nov, 2016
Hopefully it will get properly cold this year - I don't know if you all remember or not, but there were daffodils in flower here before Christmas and just after in 2015 because it didn't do so last winter.... fact is, all bets are off as to when things will flower with these very mild winters. If it gets colder, Maggiewilson, that does, indeed, stop the progress of growth in the bulbs you've got showing.
18 Nov, 2016
Well we've got a good frost this morning Bamboo
18 Nov, 2016
Hi bamboo, I havnt planted any bulbs before, so havnt payed much attention to the times of bloom before either, back of the class for me I think!
I certainly will pay attention this year though! Lol
I also have been a bit lazy with some of the planting of the bulbs too. I planted them in my gravel borders and in a few in pots as well. However, the ones I planted in the gravel borders meant I had to cut the membrain under the gravel first, then dig a hole under that and plant them there. I started of doing this but after planting the first 20 or so I turned into mrs lazy bones and with the rest I placed the bulbs straight into the gravel! Bad me!!
Am hoping they will be ok! On looking at them I think they are starting to shoot though. ?
Moon_grow, no frost here today, a lovely bright sunny morning though. ?
18 Nov, 2016
They are not going to be too happy if just put in the gravel on top of the membrane. Most bulbs can and do move themselves up or down in the soil until they reach the level at which they are happy. They cannot do that if the membrane is there to stop them. Sorry, but you will have to bite the bullet and plant them in the soil. Even if they have started growing they should still be ok. to move. Also just under the gravel is not going to give them much protection from a good frost. Even truly hardy bulbs do not take kindly to being deep frozen.
18 Nov, 2016
Oh no owd.b..... looks like I won't get away with it then....I shall indeed have to replant the ones that I cheated with then..... dam and blast it! Lol ?
18 Nov, 2016
There are no short cuts when planting bulbs, sorry Maggie!
18 Nov, 2016
I would leave the bulbs in the border as they are for this season. The leaves and flowers are already established within the bulb and all they need now is moisture and something to keep them upright! Think of the old fashioned bulb vase. Next spring, after flowering, keep an eye on the leaves and just as these are dying off pull the bulbs up. They can then be re-planted in a more suitable manner.
18 Nov, 2016
Hello bulbaholic.
Ok then I will leave them alone this season and do as you say when the leafs have died back. And I will keep my fingers crossed that they do actually flower this season too! Thankyou! ?
Moon_grow & Owd.b
In future I will ditch the short cuts! ?Lol.
18 Nov, 2016
Not so sure I agree with Bulbaholic on this one. Yes leave the planted ones where they are, but the ones just in the gravel definitely will need planting in the soil.
18 Nov, 2016
Thanks owd.b ?
21 Nov, 2016
If you do leave the ones on top of the membrane and if they survive freezing and drying out and do flower, they will use up all the food in the bulb and be unable to replenish it so they will not flower again next year. There are few short cuts to gardening!
What you could do is to put your bulbs in a container of compost and stand that on top of the gravel.
21 Nov, 2016
Yup Strea... they can't just sit in a load of gravel...
21 Nov, 2016
I can see these bulbs are just not going to be at their happiest till they are replanted out of the gravel and into the ground. ....consider it done guys..... I'm out there this weekend! ?
21 Nov, 2016
I bet that by the time you start moving your bulbs etc, you would be better off just starting over. I know that you will lose your investment of time and money. However, i am thinking you may be happier in the long run. We all live and learn, i was hoping to get away with a late bulb plant, had a couple of really cold nights and my beauties froze. So that was the end of that batch. Very cross!!!!
5 Jan, 2017
Wells, Maggie moved her bulbs back in November!
6 Jan, 2017
Too late, sorry about that one. I was hoping to commiserate.
7 Jan, 2017
For you in Vermont yes Wells, for Maggie in Essex, where the climate is much milder Nov. should have been fine...
7 Jan, 2017
Wells, Yep as moon_grow says I took them up in November and planted them under the membrain instead of how they were before ( just sitting on the membrain and not actually in the soil) they are still in the gravel though. All fine now I hope. Time will tell. ?
8 Jan, 2017
Not a problem, they will just stop and rest when the weather gets colder. My February flowering Snowdrops are showing already.
17 Nov, 2016