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Derbyshire, United Kingdom Gb

I have a cordyline that is at least 20 feet high and is only abouy 2 feet away from the front on my house it has already lifted a slab that is between the plant and the house, I am worried that the roots are damaging the foundations and think it come down but my husband disagrees. what do you think the best thing to do.



Why dont you just reduce its size? I didnt think they had roots like trees! I have a phormium that taking off as well! hasnt reached your size yet though.

10 Aug, 2010


Cordylines can develop expanding roots like trees, unlike most monocots or true palms, but they are usually not as bad as trees are. I would check the foundation carefully every year, and if there is any sign of cracking or raising, out it comes!

10 Aug, 2010


Your Phormium won't reach that size, Maggy7 - it doesn't form a trunk like Cordyline, just spreads sideways through the soil - max height for P. tenax will be about 13 feet at most, and all of it leaf.

11 Aug, 2010


Phormium roots don't increase in diameter the way Cordyline roots do, either, so much safer for surrounding pavement and foundations.

11 Aug, 2010


Well that is good news lol but I think they must be greedy! as the acer that is in the same raised bed is looking very sorry for itself!!!

14 Aug, 2010


Hmm, not sure that's the explanation, Maggy - the conditions Acers like, particularly palmatum varieties (dappled shade, shelter from hot sun and wind) are almost the complete opposite of what Phormiums like (sun, open situation, couldn't care less how windy it is). Chances are your Acer needs to be moved to a more suitable spot.

15 Aug, 2010

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