Maggy7's Profile

About me
Hi I have just realised I havent really introduced myself. I live on the N.E. Coast were inland about three miles, I have a smallish garden but lots of shrubs and tree,s, I only have a small circle of grass in my front garden the rest in the back is all slabs or block paved with largish borders. I have three grown up Sons and one Daughter all married and 10 grandchildren two of which are step grandchildren! well they are 20 and 21 so not children anymore.
I do love my garden and spend most of my time out there when at home. We have a motorhome so spend a lot of time touring in the summer months, but were always at home when the schools are on holidays as that is when the sites are at there busiest. We go to Germany and France for a few weeks taking my little chihuahua with us, he is 4 this july.Reading over my profile I was shocked to read I had said I had three children!!!!! Ive just edited it I have four children I must have been having one of my senior moments lol .
O.K. I have been reminded that I havent told you I have a new little puppy! well she is 7 months now, I got her when she was 12 weeks from pre-loved, the lady I bought her from had Labs which she bred, and a couple of Bichon Frise, apparently this little Miss was diceing with death as she had a habit of hanging on the Bichons ears and they were turning on her so hence the rehome, she hit it off with Teddy when we took him to meet her but once at home she started to chase him and tried catching him by his tail ! it is by now half of what it was before she came into our peacefull home Lol, he has now got wise to her and when the play chase he spins around before she can grab!! she is a different kettle of fish to Teddy much more pushy but very effectionate all visitors are treated to a sound licking.
She has just been neutered or spayed (whatever) that saw her out of action for approximately 8 hours and then she was back to her old ways of tearing about I had a full time job keeping her quiet and stopping her jumping up onto furniture. She now has her Pet Passport we started the process in Oct so she is all set for our holidays in France and Germany! as long as I can get her used to travelling at the moment she is whimpering everytime we take her out in the car as with all the snow we have had since before Christmas! the only place we are taking her is the Vets dogs arent daft are they??
Anyway I have managed to get out into the garden a couple of times despite the snow and frost and cleared up.
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Joined in Nov 2009
Country: United Kingdom
County: Cleveland