By Trenchy
United Kingdom
I have a Tamarix in my garden, and would like to know if you can take a cutting?
11 Aug, 2010
Thanks Beattie. Do you know how I can take a cutting and get it to take?
11 Aug, 2010
I'd just pull off a few smallish (4" - 6") side shoots, preferably with a "heel" - a little bit of the surface of the main branch still attached. Push them down the sides of a pot of compost, cover with a tent of clear plastic bag held on with an elastic band round the pot and put on a north facing window sill. Try to arrange it so that the plastic doesn't touch the cuttings That's what I do with all cuttings. It may not be the right time of year but if you have the parent tree just try again at different times if it doesn't work out this time.
I'm not an expert with this but I think these count as semi-ripe cuttings & this is an OK time to have a go. Good luck.
11 Aug, 2010
Thanks again Beattie, I will keep trying and keep you informed as to progress.
11 Aug, 2010
I have taken a few from mine in the past. I did it right after they finished blooming in the spring as part of the normal pruning. I clean the bottom part of the stem by running my hand against the direction the little leaves were growing and stuck them in moist potting soil. Then I put it outside my back door in the shade and kept the dirt moist. By the end of summer I had roots and new growth. They grow slow the first couple of years before giving flowers; this year I pruned mine with a chainsaw and it is healthier than ever.
11 Aug, 2010
Thank you to everyone who commented on my garden photos.
12 Aug, 2010
Yes they grow quite easily from cuttings.
11 Aug, 2010