What variety of Lamium with scented small dark pink
By Irridium
United Kingdom
Update from Previous Ques on 07.01.17: What variety of Lamium with scented small dark pink/purple flowers in July?
Here's one I found this year... but it didn't smell particularly of anything so now I'm a little puzzled but it definitely looks like the one I saw last year.
- 6 Jan, 2017
I'm not aware of a highly scented one either but pink pewter is a nice deep pink one.
6 Jan, 2017
I saw this edged alongside a graveside path in bright, dappled sunlight in Ashborne, Derbyshire. It may not be a lamium but very similar in leaf (12" tall), with whorls of very small dark pink or purple flowers which I distinctly remember were sweetly scented. I've taken a bit to propagate but only yesterday, I remembered this and am now wondering if it's still the same plant, or something else!
One day, I shall go back and take a photo!
7 Jan, 2017
Doesn't sound like a Lamium at all, the taller one has yellow flowers - were the leaves oval, were they toothed or smooth edged, and were they plain green? Or maybe the bit you're propagating might grow and you could post a photo...
7 Jan, 2017
Lamium orvala is about 18 inches tall with dusky red flowers. Don't recall any scent to it though.
7 Jan, 2017
Lamium orvala, that's a new one on me, thanks Owdboggy...
7 Jan, 2017
Got a white version of it too. Slug bait though.
7 Jan, 2017
Needs damp soil too by the look of it...hence the problem with slugs, I'm guessing
7 Jan, 2017
St Oswalds is known for the flowers in its graveyard as well as the very historic building itself. So why not ask them - if they are proud of the garden surely somebody will be able to tell you what it is. Just write to the Vicar, St Oswalds, Ashbourne and that will find him. If you want his name ask the local reference library to look in Crockfords Clerical Dictionary for you. (How can you tell I used to work in library and information...)
7 Jan, 2017
Maybe a Prunella? Or is it the foliage that is fragrant on that?
8 Jan, 2017
No, definitely not prunella as the flowers are too big and they're bunched up a great deal. These are on a spire (I think) and a lot daintier. I shall have to go back later in the summer, and shall post a pic.
8 Jan, 2017
Scented, none that I know of, purple pink flowers, Lamium maculatum, Lamium 'Beacon Silver', Lamium Pink Pewter, Lamium m. 'roseum' and there's probably others. Whether they'll be in flower in July is hard to predict - they usually flower from end of May or early June onwards, with pauses in between
6 Jan, 2017