By Taurman
Hi All,
I've got a greenhouse erected, 20 x 6.6 feet and will be using it for growing tomatoes and flowers and whatever comes to mind in time, fig tree maybe. I'm just checking how to lay it out as the soil is pretty poor so putting in raised wooden boxes in a U shape around the edges, possibly a potting tackle and propagation area. With the benefit of experience is there absolutely anything I should/should not do, just trying to avoid reliving others regrets. Any advice welcome. I have power installed and a water trough nearby.
Thanks in advance.
15 Jan, 2017
I would set up a little sitting area where you can sip your coffee, see the flowers, see the blue sky, a radio, read, etc.
16 Jan, 2017
6' 6" or 2 metres isn't very wide for a greenhouse a long a yours so you will need to plan carefully. Raised beds are certainly a possibility, especially if you plan on growing tomatoes. I'd suggest really thinking about what you are going to use the GH for before you do anything though... for example a fig tree would take up a lot of the space.
16 Jan, 2017
You're doing the right things so far - and will presumably include waist-high staging for your propagating area? As Bathgate says, a seat is good if you have enough space.
16 Jan, 2017
Hi, I agree with MG, a fig tree would take up a lot of space, and doesn't need to be in a greenhouse, as they're hardy, and are better off outside in the ground.
Sbg has a good system, and could be replicated in your greenhouse, especially as your soil is not very good, Derek
16 Jan, 2017
there are several photos of my green house mainly in the winter/spring. I did a blog about cleaning out last march. mine is 8ft wide as it was 2 10 x 8 ft ones and I have doors at both ends that ensures good ventilation.
16 Jan, 2017
Automatic vents are incredibly useful too.
16 Jan, 2017
Thank you all so much, will try to not invent the wheel. Bathgate has her priorities right, thank you for reminding me to sit, will follow up on you blog Seaburngirl. Have a great day.
17 Jan, 2017
I've taken more photos so I will put them into another blog for you Taurman
17 Jan, 2017
I have mine with 2 row shelving/staging on the far side in 1/4. I have this for potting up things. the lower shelves store the compost and other bits an pieces. The other 3/4 is bare soil, where I grow toms peppers and cucumbers. I usually sink them in large pots into the soil and use growbag compost in the pots.
I'd also recommend automatic window opening vents as the are invaluable if you are out during the day. We also put an irrigation system in so that the veg could be watered regularly.
We also have 18" paving slabs down the middle to provide a firm path to walk along.
in the winter plants that need protection sit on trays on the soil.
15 Jan, 2017