By Dogsbod
United Kingdom
Hi folks, anyone in the club grow these lovelies? I did for the first time last year and will be expanding my collection this year.It's a mystery a, bet a few out there recognize these beauties. ( Let's hope I can now upload a photo or you may think I've gone crackers!!! )

4 Feb, 2017
Well its a Colocasia or Alocasia, common name Elephants Ear - the botanical distinction between them is a bit blurred, they're very similar.There are some beauties known as Alocasia though - A.amazonica or A. 'black velvet' for instance, but they're all a bit of a performance in the UK because they need to be dug up for the winter, rested, then started into growth again in late winter the following year. Alright if you've got plenty of room indoors or a greenhouse though, but where you are, in a sheltered spot in a mild winter, they'd probably just about overwinter outdoors, especially if you're near the coast.
4 Feb, 2017
Bamboo is spot on with the name ....
I have grown this for the past 4 years and in a enormous pot that goes in the greenhouse for winter and covered in fleece....
5 Feb, 2017
Colocasia for these, Bamboo. The quick way to tell: Alocasias' leaves stand up (at least on the big species) while Colocasias' leaves are flexed out or down.
6 Feb, 2017
Personally, I'd call it Colocasia, Tug, but having read online about the 'blurred botanical distinction', in the interests of accuracy, I gave both options! Thanks anyway for the description of visible differences, I'd never noticed that.
6 Feb, 2017
Oops! I'm out of date. I'll have to check the "blur".
7 Feb, 2017
Previous question
« Please can anyone suggest why the leaves on my aspidistra are turning brown?
I think they are Bergenia's evergreen and hardy plant,with pink flower spikes later on..a good gap filler.poor dry soil not a problem,as mine are under a tree where nothing else much will grow...they will spread steadily on their own,or just break a bit off,and push it into the ground..tough as old boots !
4 Feb, 2017