Dogsbod's Profile

About me
Production engineer by trade enjoy being at one with nature, attract and share the garden with wildlife. It's fair to say I am not a gardening expert but am a fairly experienced fishkeeper. At one time I had 13 tropical fish-tanks in one room! Obsessed! By trial and error and a little research the small garden evolved and won the Practical Fishkeeping pond of the year. Most of the surround plantings are perennial and the plants shown return each year, LOVELY. From the point of view regular gardening I do like to keep lawns tidy and enjoy a bit of raised bed vegetable growing, ( Runners, Peas,Marrows, Cabbage, Carrot, Parsnip, Turnip and Beetroot). I have historically tried many other varieties, but due to the pond can't use pesticides in any form. Also some annual bedding plants for hanging baskets.All my photo's are taken on a old Nokia 3.2 mega pix phone camera and bluetoothed to my pc. ( can manage that much. bit of a Dinosaur me.)
We have now moved to Holsworthy,Devon and I have found a job so things are working out perfectisimo.
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Joined in Aug 2012
Country: United Kingdom
County: Devon