By Ruhmo
United Kingdom
What plant for a fence fast growing and evergreen to block neighbours
14 Feb, 2017
I assume that but 'fence' you mean 'hedge' - we need more info but Losestrife is basically correct. You can grow something to about 2 metres in height but that is it and in can't invade the neighbour's garden above or below ground. Why do you feel the need to do this?
14 Feb, 2017
Your question needs some clarification please - when you say 'fence', do you mean a mesh fence or a solid wood fence? How high is it currently, and how high do you want this climber to grow?
Fact is, if you want fast cover, you'd be better off buying coniferous trees that grow fast, such as Cupressus Wilma, but without knowing the precise situation re sun/shade/, aspect and what type of fence, its hard to answer. If the existing fence is mesh, the quickest solution is to erect a solid fence to 2 metres.
14 Feb, 2017
Have you thought about some trellis with climbing plants? Or a taller fence? We've just ordered a 7.5ft fence but had to check first whether it was ok. Their garden is significantly higher at the side of ours and we have an issue with their child's football flying over and hitting and damaging things.. what about taller shrubs and tree type plants?
15 Feb, 2017
Lonicera periclymenum 'Serotina' Honsysuckle climber
15 Feb, 2017
Good choice Bath. I planted L. Japonica to cover my back fence and now I am battling it to keep it confined to the fence but is now creeping into the garden. Much reminiscent of the movie " The Day Of The Triffids". This is one of the worse gardeners mistakes I have ever made.
16 Feb, 2017
LOL! Japonica is a scourge and creates an awful stigma. Look at some of the natives which are much more beautiful and mild mannered - Major Wheeler, Gold Flame Honeysuckle, Orange honeysuckle (Lonicera ciliosa),Coral Honeysuckle & John Clayton.
16 Feb, 2017
Climbing Lonicera are generally not evergreen though...
16 Feb, 2017
Several are evergreen depending on the climate such as Lonicera Sempervirens
16 Feb, 2017
Not in the UK its not
16 Feb, 2017
The one across my back fence sure is and what month are we in? February!
Another evergreen honeysuckle that is highly favored in the UK for its evergreen foliage is Lonicera henryi (Henry's Honeysuckle). It's been around for ages.
16 Feb, 2017
Those Loniceras will need something to climb up though, they are not self supporting.
16 Feb, 2017
Exactly Stera. The question is for a fence climber
16 Feb, 2017
I guess you're right - like Moongrower I wasn't sure whether the enquirer was using the word just to mean a divider.
17 Feb, 2017
You're right Stera. The question isn't very clear, but I'm guessing the writer is looking for a fence climber that will quickly block out nosy or unpleasant neighbors. Not all honeysuckles are evergreen, but they still create such a tangle of vines, it still does the job.
17 Feb, 2017
How much time have you got before they finally take notice of you? Natural fences take a few years. Also, check your local regulations as far as legal barrier height if there are any. Finally, you will have to be certain that at full growth your plantings will not infringe on or cause problems to your neighbors property both above the ground and below.
14 Feb, 2017