By Debsalison
United Kingdom
Hi gardeners, my rhubarb has got to big, so I though it would be a good idea to dig some out and put it pots to give away. I have a chronic pain condition though and even though the ground is wet I am unable to get it out. How can I get rid of it, how would I kill it off but manage to keep some???
22 Feb, 2017
Thanks moon growe, I wish,
I have my youngest son at home still but he is quite useless, very frustrating. Will see if I can shift it when its dry.
22 Feb, 2017
If its huge perhaps there is more than one crown? If there is, digging out one rather than trying to split and replant might well be easier for your son to get to grips with? And you would still be able to use the rest this year.
22 Feb, 2017
Could well be more than one crown Stera.
22 Feb, 2017
yes there is, its tightly packed. I have loosened it so I will get on with it if it takes a week. I have some gladiolus to plant too. thanks
22 Feb, 2017
Where I live, and in most parts of the country, there is a local online group called Freecycle. You could join (it doesn't cost anything) and offer some rhubarb plants for free if whoever wants it, comes and digs it up themselves. It's quite safe and people have to contact you through the site.
22 Feb, 2017
Good idea Cammomile, don't think we have up here in the north of Scotland
22 Feb, 2017
Well it covers 60 towns, cities and the islands up there. I'm not into advertising for them but go to So much garden stuff is going for free - paving slabs, bricks, wood, sand, pebbles, pots, plants, garden furniture etc. It's better than taking it to the local rubbish dump. They cover the US too.
23 Feb, 2017
I don't think you can kill off some of it and keep the rest, sorry Debs. Removing part of the crown means it will all have to be dug up, split and replanted. It will also mean that the replanted part of the crown needs time to recover from being lifted so you won't get any edible rhubarb for a year or so. You'd be better waiting until the ground is dry to try and lift, can you enlist the help of someone else?
22 Feb, 2017