United Kingdom
I've moved to a new house with a small rectangular south west facing garden. The back border I've planted 2 pleach trees and a large round box bush. The right side has a large beech hedge and the left hand border is a blank space. Because it's small space I think a formal planting scheme would be suit it best hence the pleach trees. The sissinghurst white garden is my inspiration but I'm stuck on what plants in a narrow border, I'd like some evergreens too. I'd be grateful for any and all ideas. Many thanks.
23 Feb, 2017
In particular, how long and wide is this border you want to plant, and how much sun does it get?
23 Feb, 2017
Also, what kind of trees are they? Pleaching is a training technique that can be used with many species, some easier to deal with in small spaces than others.
23 Feb, 2017
Thanks for the prompt replies. The border is approx 15 feet long and a very narrow 30 inches in depth. It gets quite a lot of sun and is well sheltered as it has a fence behind it and I believe the pleach trees are quercus ilex.
I'd send a picture but it's a bit stormy at the moment:)
Thanks again.
23 Feb, 2017
Hmm, difficult to make something that length and width attractive once planted. Photos would be good, is it possible to widen that border, or at least one or two parts along it?
23 Feb, 2017
Unfortunately it's not possible to widen the border as it has been edged with edging stones that have been concreted in and I don't want to go to the expense of digging them out and relaying. It's not something I'd want to try as I'm not handy!!
I will enclose a photo when storm Doris calms down.
Thank you.
23 Feb, 2017
Hmmm...Holly Oaks are slow growing and deep rooted, but will need watching with the pruning and training. If they run wild, they will overrun the entire garden, and threaten nearby paving and foundations. Be sure to look up pleaching techniques, since that is an ongoing process.
24 Feb, 2017
Would still be good to see a photo of the garden...
24 Feb, 2017
You could try a 'shrub-size' Amelanchier, or the even smaller Prunus kojo-no-mai (dwarf cherry) . . . both about 3ft tall with lovely white blossom any day now!
25 Feb, 2017
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« I'm advised to eat more greens which I really don't like the taste of. But...
Hi Knutsford and welcome to GoY. How deep is your 'narrow boarder' and what is the size of the garden overall, a photo added to your question would give us all a better idea of what is possible.
23 Feb, 2017