By Millie
United Kingdom
Should salvias be cut down at end of summer and will they come back again thankyou
15 Mar, 2017
This is such an odd time of year to ask this question, I'm wondering if you cut yours down last autumn and now you're wondering if its a goner - depends which Salvia it was - Salvia hotlips often survives, but is best not cut back in autumn. Salvia officinalis, or sage, shouldn't be cut at the end of summer either, but tidied up in spring instead, as growth begins.
15 Mar, 2017
I don't cut mine back until late spring when I can see new growth forming. In harsher winters I have known them grow back from just below soil level.
15 Mar, 2017
Yes I agree you should be seeing little shoots at the base.
15 Mar, 2017
Salvia nemerosa and its kin should be coming back now.
16 Mar, 2017
My royal bumble which is one of the ones akin to hotlips is shooting too.
16 Mar, 2017
Thankyou I can see new shoots ?
10 Apr, 2017
Most are not frost hardy and dont survive our winters , have you any new growth on them yet ?
15 Mar, 2017