By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I got this un-named tulip last year but it was too far gone for a good id.
Any one know what it is now please? possibly T bifloris?

15 Mar, 2017
Sorry, Bamboo, but 'Green Star' has only one flower per stem. This looks much more like T. biflora, to me, Sbg.
16 Mar, 2017
someone at the local HPS said T biflora, not bifolris but close.
I will add it to my plant lists.
16 Mar, 2017
I've got these coming up now and they're so lovely in pots. I've also got other species in other colours too.
17 Mar, 2017
They look a bit like Greenstar, a Division 6 tulip, but its one of the lily flowered types - yours aren't quite open enough to be sure if its that or not.
15 Mar, 2017