By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Transplanting hellabore self seeded plantlets. When can I move some flowering hellabores? I assume I should wait until they have finished flowering? Do they take kindly to being moved? I have got about half a dozen that are well established but I need to move them to make way for my summerhouse.
15 Mar, 2017
Take them out with a good amount of soil around the roots. As Sbg advises, they do not move easily.
15 Mar, 2017
They are cold weather root makers. The best time (according to the experts) to move and divide them is in September when the soil is beginning to cool down. I have successfully moved small plants (unflowered ones) at this time of year.
They absolutely hate their roots drying out, so as said, take a big lump of soil with them, or do as I do with babies and drop them into a bucket of water to carry them down to the Potting shed.
15 Mar, 2017
Thanks. Mine are all clustered close together and can't tell which plant belongs to which! I will dig up a large clump and transplant them all together on a cool day.
15 Mar, 2017
I find it hard to believe that moving Hellebores are difficult, in my experience I have never had any problems and I have lifted and moved literally hundreds over the years from clump divisions to seedlings in any of the seasons, like moving most plants prepare the ground and water well.
15 Mar, 2017
Just been reading your profile Julien - have you made a start on the coast paths yet? (Apologies Amsterdam, good luck with moving your Hellebores!)
16 Mar, 2017
It's still on my mind I was only thinking about it today, I have to be loyal to my clients, it would mean saying goodbye to them which is so very hard to do as they are more like friends so I have not been taking on any more clients when they pass on, but I have to do it, it's just that same old problem time and not enough of it, thanks for asking,take care.
17 Mar, 2017
Previous question
if you can wait until hey have finished flowering that would be better. lift and replant immediately and firm them in strongly to prevent wind rock. They don't particularly like moving as they have brittle roots. Remember to keep them well watered for a month or so.
15 Mar, 2017