By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Agapanthus and global warming. This is the second winter in a row that many ,but not all, deciduous perennials didn't lose their leaves. My agapanthus is deciduous but has kept the leaves . Hardly any leaves are brown so should I cut them all back now. Incidentally I hardly had any flowers last summer.
19 Mar, 2017
Well that's a bit weird - the agapanthus on my balcony lost its leaves, as did the ones in two gardens I look after, just like they do every year, and we're in sheltered London... the exception was the large leaved evergreen one, which has retained, as usual, most of its leaves, albeit a bit damaged. Which variety is your Agapanthus?
19 Mar, 2017
I live in a much warmer place, and mine lost all their leaves as normal. They have started growing again - both types.
20 Mar, 2017
I wonder if you actually have an evergreen one that has lost leaves in bad winters.
20 Mar, 2017
They all have quite wide strapped leaves. 2 clumps are from 'bulbs' brought back from Madeira 8 years ago and the other is a Queen mum. . The website just says herbaceous for the queen mum not evergreen. However reading generally about agapanthus it looks like they are evergreen. I'm tempted to dig Queen mum up and divide but will wait until this cold period passes.
20 Mar, 2017
they will be ok left on until they look scruffy and new leaves start to emerge.
19 Mar, 2017