By Reedy13
United Kingdom
1,can i grow aspargas in my garden
2,how do i get rid of tree root that is raising part of my patio
14 Aug, 2010
Or is it attached to a growing tree in someone else's garden? That complicates things further.
14 Aug, 2010
regards the root,it is coming from my next store neighbour, and it is a healthy tree , fir tree of some kind,and not doing my brick paved patio any good,what can i do. thanks. too,Bamboo,andTugbrethi
14 Aug, 2010
Oh dear, there's a bit of a dilemma then. If you lift some of your patio where the root is, cut the root out and then replace your patio, the tree might die. On the other hand, that root is invading your territory, and you do have a right to cut back to the boundary line with next door. I'll leave that one to you...
15 Aug, 2010
You'll definitely want to negotiate something with your neighbor. It should be possible to cut the root out without killing the fir, but that requires simultaneous pruning of the fir--hence the negotiations. Also check the layout of your patio: it may be possible to open a section around the root for a perennial flower bed or tall ground cover to cover it, without causing a tripping hazard or design problems. Good luck!
15 Aug, 2010
i have asked the neighbour to do something about it he does not seem interested,so i shall get something to kill the root on my side,any suggestions on what to buy,or to put on the root to kill it not worried about the neighbour,any idea would be good,thanks,tubrethi,and bamboo
15 Aug, 2010
Ouch! That could get ugly!
15 Aug, 2010
don't care,i have a lot of things to do with this person,it is like he sticks two fingers up at me if the tree dies it dies he won't help me so why should i worry about him,anything regards what to put on the root.thanks tugbrethil.
15 Aug, 2010
I'd cut it out for preference - you'll need to access it to kill it off anyway, but if you don't want to saw it off (much better,takes care of the problem immediately and is legal, unlike poisoning it) you'll need to drill into the root in several places with a medium wood bit, then fill the holes you've made with SBK brushwood killer. I don't recommend it though, I'm pretty sure it would count as Criminal Damage...
15 Aug, 2010
1. You can grow asparagus, but it needs it own bed and cropping won't happen for a considerable time. Do some research on the subject first - unless you have a large garden, I'm pretty sure you'll change your mind about growing it.
2. Is the tree root attached to a healthy, growing tree in your garden?
14 Aug, 2010