By Waddy
United Kingdom
Hi, we were out today in Valley Park, Harrogate when I spotted these unusual plants growing by the stream. Does anyone know what they are?

25 Mar, 2017
Let's hope someone on here puts us out of our misery!
25 Mar, 2017
Skunk cabbage Lysichiton americanus
25 Mar, 2017
Thanks Moon grower. I had thought about trying to locate some plants/seeds to put around the pond. But on Googling them...perhaps not!
25 Mar, 2017
Oh dear, what a name for a plant! At least you know what it is now.
25 Mar, 2017
Wouldn't recommend Waddy unless you have a huge space... they also need to be beside running water - look amazing somewhere like Inverewe.
25 Mar, 2017
Just another one to add to the 'avoid' list lol! Thanks.
26 Mar, 2017
There is another species with white spathes and the two have crossed to give one with creamy yellow spathes.
26 Mar, 2017
Skunk cabbage which I see plenty of here (USA) at the beginning of trout fishing season can produce heat. The heat production is two fold, first, to help it punch it's way through ice and snow layers and second, to allow its foul smell to spread more quickly and widely to attract carrion feeders to it for pollination purposes. It is quite an interesting plant which holds many surprises for those who wish to look into it further.
26 Mar, 2017
Thanks LS, but I'll pass on this one.
26 Mar, 2017
I'm not surprised you are going to pass,Julia..did you notice how the Gunnera's are doing in the Valley gardens? I hope you are going to pass on those too! a bit too bit for our gardens,I think :o)
26 Mar, 2017
Definitely pass on the Gunnera unless it is the miniature on Gunnera magellanica we have this and it just creeps along the ground by the pond.
26 Mar, 2017
Can't say I noticed Bloomer /Moon grower but I'm definitely passing on Gunnera!
26 Mar, 2017
Aww have this at work (I work at a watergarden specialist
27 Mar, 2017
I remember the first time I saw this...its one of those plants isn't striking. Definitely one for the wilder places though. :)
27 Mar, 2017
I now agree Karen!
28 Mar, 2017
I have seen these growing in Cornwall, but their name escapes me! Need to know now ...
25 Mar, 2017