By Vickii99
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I wasnt ready to to plant but I had to pot some dry root clematis quickly so that I wouldn't lose them. They are sprouting leaves and look great but the pots they're in are too small. Will I be able to repot them without disturbing them or loosing them.
9 Apr, 2017
Thanks Moon grower. I'll risk planting them out.
9 Apr, 2017
They should be fine, its no different than planting out a pot grown clematis from the garden centre - but ensure you keep it well watered this spring and summer after planting.
9 Apr, 2017
Thank you for the advice.xx
12 Apr, 2017
Well repotting them is a risk you are going to have to take, either that or get them planted in the ground somewhere they can have a cool root run.
9 Apr, 2017