By Vickii99
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I've bought 2 small dry root grafted wisteria. They are in bud now but I'm thinking if the flowers come before the foliage could these buds turn out to be the flowers. The buds are furry.
9 Apr, 2017
Sorry. Not dry. I don't know where that came from. Bare root I meant to say. I've tried to take a photo but they are too blurred.
9 Apr, 2017
With bare root , if it did have any embryo flowers they wouldn't develop, too much of a shock for the plant so I would imagine its the new shoots growing how big is it ? 30 cm ish ?
9 Apr, 2017
False alarm, Gg. They are only leaves.
12 Apr, 2017
I hope they grow for you ...
12 Apr, 2017
Any chance of a photo ? can you explain the "dry" do you mean they are not in a pot ? and "bare rooted"
9 Apr, 2017