By Flutegirl
United Kingdom
I have just discovered that the clumps of bluebells in my garden are Spanish not native. I am trying to eradicate them but they are growing up through the roots of shrubs. If I pull off the flowers and leaves will this weaken the bulbs enough to kill them or do I need to dig down to get the bulbs out? Flutegirl
18 Apr, 2017
I think some of my Bluebells are Spanish , is it SO important to destroy them .
18 Apr, 2017
Nope it is entirely up to you Pammie, if they are in an urban or suburban garden they are unlikely to end up rampaging through the woods and taking over the space the native bluebells need.
18 Apr, 2017
There are no native Bluebells around here,so the few Spanish ones we have are allowed to stay. They are rather pretty after all.
18 Apr, 2017
Indeed Owdb. it would be a shame to throw them all out if they are not causing a problem.
19 Apr, 2017
I read somewhere last year that they do not cross pollinate that much whats to BELIEVE?
19 Apr, 2017
I have been removing leaves and flowers from our bluebells and it has made a difference. I will probably have to continue doing that for a few years but I do not want to totally eradicate them just thin them out a bit and especially around the shrub roots.
19 Apr, 2017
They most certainly do cross pollinate to the detriment of the English bluebell Nite, take a look at this link:
19 Apr, 2017
Thank you everyone for your replies. It seems will just have to get down on my creaking knees and dig out the remaining bulbs and then replant with native bluebells.
19 Apr, 2017
Nite when we came here 10 years ago there were lots of English bluebells on the bank opposite our house, and a few Spanish ones. Today they are nearly all hybrids.
19 Apr, 2017
Flutegirl only if they are going to cause a problem in the wild...
19 Apr, 2017
Hi Flutegirl and welcome to GoY. Sorry but you'll need to dig the bulbs up too, including the tiny ones, as just pulling the tops off isn't going to kill them.
18 Apr, 2017