By Barbarak
North Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
My first year of growing fruit trees (cordons). They have broken into flower but we are having some very low temperatures here in the north. I have placed fleece bags over the trees for nighttime . Will this be enough to to protect the blossom and if they do get frosted is that the end of any apples?
18 Apr, 2017
Thanks. This site is so useful for experiences from different climates and micro climates.
19 Apr, 2017
Good idea but perhaps seeing as they are reasonably young
trees, then I wouldn't be too concerned if they do not bare fruit for a couple of years. It will give the trees time to build up the structure rather than use their energy on fruit.
19 Apr, 2017
Common advice is not to allow them to fruit in the first year anyway, so that they can use all their energy in establishing a good root system. You have been saved the agony of removing the young fruits...
19 Apr, 2017
It depends on the severity and duration of the frost and what stage the blossoms are at. Apple trees can tolerate a light frost which is about what we get this time of year. New York State grows some of the finest apples yet we get plenty o frosty nights. Vermont is even colder. There is a big difference between frost & frozen solid. A frost would be about 40F or + or -10 degrees of freezing. Your apples should be fine.
19 Apr, 2017