By Siris
United Kingdom
No it is not a Ragged Robin! What Citrus have pink flowers? Can anyone suggest which Citrus this might be. I thought I had 2 Calamondin and one Lemon Meyer, I have had fruit on 2 of the shrubs but not this one. It also does not have the correct flowers for either of these. Could it possibly be a grapefruit? I did grow one from a pip, so many years ago I can't remember, thought I had got rid of it. They are all growing in tubs in the conservatory as you can see this plant has had the new shoots frosted.
On plant

21 Apr, 2017
Agree, I've never seen a citrus flower that looked like that!
21 Apr, 2017
So embarrassed!!! Just traced the twig 2ft down to the pot. It is indeed a Ragged Robin.
Thank you for jolting me to look again really carefully.
Please no one else make me look a fool. I will delete this question shortly.
21 Apr, 2017
I don't think this mistake makes you look a fool, Siris - it makes you look like a human being! Only robots never make mistakes...
21 Apr, 2017
We've all done things like this before Siris. I just tell my friends that I'll be perfect tomorrow...of course, tomorrow never comes! :)
22 Apr, 2017
Siris please don't delete your questions, it might make someone else think 'oh, perhaps the flower I'm seeing isn't from the original plant'. Always useful to learn.
22 Apr, 2017
Considering my first identification was Ragged Robin! I will vent my annoyance by pulling out the offending plant.
22 Apr, 2017
22 Apr, 2017
Yea, that's what's funny, you knew what it was, identified it correctly, I can understand why you're annoyed with yourself... its quite a pretty flower though.
22 Apr, 2017
I bet most of us have nurtured a plant only to find out it's not at all what we thought it was. I have potted up some spectacular weeds in my time!
22 Apr, 2017
Indeed Cammomile!
22 Apr, 2017
When you have all finished ribbing me, I will secretly erase, lol.
22 Apr, 2017
Who is getting ribbed, Siris? Mostly we are just chuckling over our own foibles, so don't worry. :)
23 Apr, 2017
I've got a worse story anyway! Years and years ago, when I was much younger and only just starting gardening, I saw what looked like a clematis (definitely clematis foliage, and lots of it) with tight fairly small, vivid blue flowerheads comprised of lots of tiny flowers in someone's garden. Well, I looked in my books for hours - eventually I went back and had another look, inspected closely, and realised the clematis had clambered all over another plant which turned out to be a Ceanothus. The most embarrassing thing was, I'd commented to the owner originally how unusual this particular clematis was.... but it was a very useful lesson that I've never forgotten, ergo, all is not always as it first appears! Come to think of it, that's true of life generally, never mind in the garden...
23 Apr, 2017
Are you sure its not ragged robin growing in the same pot? Because that's no way a citrus plant flower...
21 Apr, 2017