By Bettymartin
United Kingdom
My established wisteria appeared to be coming into full bloom but the flower buds have stopped developing and are hanging like catkins and are very dry. The only flowers are on small newly established shoots. What is the problem, does it require pruning back.
4 May, 2017
Sounds like a late frost and I agree with Moon grower it has been very dry as well, planted next to a house wall or fence the soil dries out very quickly.
How old is the plant ?
No pruning at the moment far too early in the year.
I would give it a good water for now at least once a week.
5 May, 2017
Hi Betty and welcome to GoY. Has the weather been very dry with you? That could be th cause or, as you don't say where you are in the UK a late frost.
4 May, 2017