By Afril
United Kingdom
My lawn seems to be full of something that looks like bind weed it has only appeared since I last mowed it. Does anyone know how I can get rid of it or what else it might be ?
6 May, 2017
I think it would be very helpful if you could post a photograph - bindweed hasn't really started to appear properly yet, so it may not be bindweed at all, but hard to say without seeing it.
7 May, 2017
Hi Afril - you asked this question a few days ago. If you want to add further comments to questions you have asked the best thing to do is to add them as comments under the replies to the first question. That way everyone who has answered the first question will see them. Please can you add a good closeup photo to your question?
It wasn't clear from your original question that the weed has only appeared very recently. I would certainly try a lawn weedkiller such as Weedol in that case and only worry if that doesn't work.
6 May, 2017