By Floprice02
United Kingdom
The people who owned my house before me put down plastic grass. I have pulled this up and intend to lay turf.
The problem is that they put a load of sand under the plastic grass. It is fairly thick and would take a lot of time to shovel up.. i also imagine shovelling it up would cause the area to become very uneven.
I was wondering whether i could leave the sand there and put a layer of good compost on top and then roll out turf? I have read that sand is good for drainage but too much would cause the turf to quickly dry..
Thank you!
8 May, 2017
You might also find they used a weed suppressant under the sand so that needs to come up.
8 May, 2017
Hi, welcome to GoY, what you need is a rotovator, a roller, and a garden rake, rotovate first, this will mix in the sand and the soil below, if there is a weed suppressant membrane underneath, you will find this out at this stage, but don't worry too much about it if there is, the rotovator will chop it into small pieces, which you can take out at your leisure, next rake it level, then either roll it with a garden roller,or failing that, walk all over it using your heels rather than the soles of your gardening boots, then rake it again to remove any small stones etc, then repeat the walk to firm the soil again, then 'lightly' rake to achieve a fine tilth, then lay your turf, if you've done a good job on the 'walk' the soil shouldn't develop any variations in depth, or any depressions after rain or settling, Derek.
8 May, 2017
Unless you plan to replicate the Sonoran Valley, you should first try to get rid of as much of that sand as possible. Use is for the cat. I know it's not fun, but your plants will have a hard time accessing nutrients through all that sand.
8 May, 2017
Bathgate, the sand will be mixed in with the soil below if Floprice follows my advice, not sat in depth at the surface, it will also have very good drainage, and not turn to mud when it rains, Derek.
8 May, 2017
I understand what you are saying Derek, but from the description above sounds like she has way too much sand. I know some sand is beneficial. She'll never get it all up, but she should get as much as possible.
8 May, 2017
IF the sand is over an inch thick, it's too much. Some sand it OK, but sounds like you have too much. Shovel or vacuum up as much as possible, then work in your compost.
8 May, 2017