By Alanh44
United States
I planted a Hydrangea last autumn. It was OK until recently, but now the leaves are browning at the tips. Is it dying of, or is there anything I can do to rescue it. have watered it and used liquid Miracle Gro. any suggestions please.
8 May, 2017
Also, only use Miracle Grow during the growing season. In good garden soil they don't normally need feeding. It helps also if you add your state to your profile - advice will vary according to climate very often.
8 May, 2017
If it was only planted within the last year, it will need watering during dry spells - not sure where you are in the States, so no clue what you're weather's been like, but if its been dry, give it a good soak, leave the hose trickling at the base of the plant for half an hour to an hour. Otherwise, if you've had late or sudden frosts recently, might be that.
8 May, 2017
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Have you had a late frost where you live?
8 May, 2017