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Kent, United Kingdom

Hello all ,
Although i haven't been present for a while ! I would appreciate it if anyone can identify or have any idea what this strange looking plant is ? it appeared in my Brothers garden and although he is quite intrigued by it , he says , he doesn't want to grow a 'weed ' !
thank you .



Oooh! Welcome back Heron! I don't know what this is. It looks like it might be a euphorbia...but I really don't know. I hope he continues to grow it though, so we can see what it turns out to be! It looks very interesting. :)

14 May, 2017


Euphorbia lathyris and a dreadful seed weed too.

14 May, 2017


Oh...I was on the right track then...but perhaps not a good idea to let it grow on?

14 May, 2017


Thank you so much Cottagekaren , good to be back , yes you were certainly on the right track ! Thank you also Owdboggy , I looked it up and sure enough that's definitely the one ... not a very attractive plant but ime sure it has its place - somewhere ? having relayed the information to my Brother he is not keen on keeping it as part of his garden ! so great compost in the sky it will go , I said I knew someone would come up trumps - so well done , he was very impressed , querie solved ! Happy gardening both ,
Lucy .

14 May, 2017


You're welcome Lucy!

14 May, 2017


Hi, I would like you to inform your brother, that the sap of all Euphorbia plants are a skin irritant, and especially if you get it near the eyes, Derek.

14 May, 2017

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