By Geraniums8
United Kingdom
Hello Experts
My daughter has just moved into a house with a fairly derelict garden. the attached picture, is of a plant that neither of us can identify. Could you please help?
Thank you
Heather Higgins

16 May, 2017
Euphorbia lathyris, a seed weed. Watch out for the sap it can cause problems if it gets in your eyes.
16 May, 2017
16 May, 2017
I don't believe it! Another one!! Welcome to GoY Heather! Good luck to you and your daughter as you get that new garden ship-shape! We have had quite a few of these popping up on the questions pages this week. It must be the time of Year for them! KAren
16 May, 2017
Welcome to GoY from me too.
the tall plant against the fence with the small white flower is also a weed. called Jack by the hedge, amongst other local names. that could also be pulled up. no irritating sap but a garlicky smell hence another common name of garlic mustard.
16 May, 2017
Dear All
Thank you very much; I really appreciate your help.
Best wishes
17 May, 2017
Well, well, another one, we've had 3 or 4 ID queries on this in the last day... its Euphorbia lathyrus, common name Caper Spurge, pops up on its own usually dropped by birds, and where there's one this year, there'll be lots more next year. Classed as a weed - if you decide to remove it, wear gloves, the sap is irritant.
16 May, 2017