By Harmer
United Kingdom
When strimming a lawn, l believe l may be hovering the bump feed spool too low resulting in the grass becoming burned/scorched. ls this a possibility?
Kind regards from Nigel Harmer.
16 May, 2017
If it is you may well be cutting your grass a bit short which weakens it in the long run..Or you may simply be shaving the grass too short. Its better to leave it a bit longer even if it means doing it a bit oftener. Just a thought.
16 May, 2017
Hi Harmer and welcome to Goy. I do this all the time and end up having to re-sow patches. Keep the strimmer for arkward places and use a mower. :)
16 May, 2017
Yes it's very possible, especially when it's not being used properly. You should consider investing in a lawn mower, set the blade between 1 & 3 inches. You're all set. The strimmer will give you a nice clean edge & get those awkward places the mower won't reach.
16 May, 2017