By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
How to get rid of persistent established bramble tucked away against back border against the fence. I have deliberately not pulled it out as I could not get all the root out. Can someone remind me what to apply to its leaves so that it dies all the way down to its roots? Thanks.
21 May, 2017
Ehh.. just want to know what I can apply to the leaves like weedkiller. Don't have a tractor and a shredder near my fence is not a good idea.
21 May, 2017
Herbicide. Roundup anything like that. Will be tough job.
21 May, 2017
We got rid of a lot of brambles in a previously neglected bit of lawn by persistent mowing, so presumably you could eventually finish it off by cutting it to the ground every time it tries to regrow.
21 May, 2017
Amsterdam just wants to spray something
22 May, 2017
I have been using Roundup extra tough gel on mine, takes a while so have to be patiens ( which I find hard) and some of the bigger ones in the hedge needed treating a couple of times but seems to have worked. Mine are growing In my hedges but throwing up runners in my borders.
22 May, 2017
Thanks everyone. Will get on to it! ( although I can hardly move today after 5 hours of digging yesterday!) I have found out to my peril that I have got muscles in my backside I never knew existed!! Ha, ha!!
22 May, 2017
Use a mower or tractor to cut the canes to ground level. Do this BEFORE the brambles to to flower - soon. Then use the shredder. Then use a herbicide on the root stock. Good luck - I don't envy you. lol!
21 May, 2017