By Cliveaw
My gooseberry bushes have lots of leaf but very little fruit. Could this be from the dryness of the weather of late? I have kept them well watered during dry periods and fed with blood,fish and bone about 2 months ago. Thank you.
28 May, 2017
Next year try giving them a potash feed in late February after you do the winter pruning, and leave off the blood and bone for a year. You may be encouraging green growth at the expense of fruit.. If you need help on the pruning ask again - no point in going into detail if you know already!.
28 May, 2017
Thanks for the answers. I must admit I didn't prune last year, didn't know when and how much! Please can you advise a novice?!
I didn't have many flowers, perhaps lack of pruning?
28 May, 2017
Main prune is February, with the main aim being to open up the bush to be sort of bowl shaped for good air circulation. Tip back the main branches to within about three buds of the old wood, and trim back all the laterals to three or four buds too. Then feed with sulphate of potash.
In early summer, ie about now you can tip back the laterals again to make picking easier. It does no harm to the bush!
Using this method I have had stupendously heavy crops for years so I know it works. I failed to give potash this spring and can really see the difference - serves me right...
Anything not clear just add another question as a comment.
29 May, 2017
Thanks for that Steragram- will do as you say, hope to have a better crop next year! Cheers. Clive
30 May, 2017
Previous question
certainly the dry weather wont help. Did you get plenty of flowers this year? if few flowers then check your pruning regime as you may be cutting out the stems that will flower this year.
welcome to GoY too :o)
28 May, 2017