By Treetop
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Can begonias survive outdoors all year round?
29 May, 2017
I would say no too,Treetop..The tuberous ones will overwinter somewhere frost free,if you dry them out properly before storing them,but the Semperflorens varieties are usually treated as annuals..although I have potted the latter up,and kept them indoors ,then taken cuttings in the spring..
29 May, 2017
Not in the UK, no... corms or tubers will likely rot in the ground or freeze, and the fibrous rooted ones sold as summer bedding won't tolerate outdoor temperatures in winter. As Bloomer suggests, tubers can be dried and stored in a frost free place over winter, and the others will carry on indoors if you want to try to keep them.
29 May, 2017
begonia sutherlandii is a hardier orange flowered one. I had in the ground under the beech tree for 8 years but winter 2011 killed it. so yes there are a few hardy ones. but the commonest bedding ones are not as already stated.
30 May, 2017
Like Seaburngirl I too have a couple in the garden which survived last winter and are now just in leaf. We did have some frosts and the ground here is clay so usually wet, but they have pulled through. Others in pots were stored in the barn but succumbed to vine weevils or mice!
30 May, 2017
I've known Begonia 'glowing embers' to survive winter outdoors for 2 years, in a sheltered corner in the ground, but both were mild winters.
30 May, 2017
Thanks, folks. My garden is pretty open to the elements. So I know what to do now.
30 May, 2017
If your weather never goes below freezing the tubers will stay alive. If it goes below freezing my answer would be no.
29 May, 2017