By Greenfingers
United Kingdom
Can anyone ID this? I've got several hanging in a blackcurrent shrub. They've got shiny silver dots on one side.

4 Jun, 2017
I found caterpillars starting to pupate on my black current bushes, and the pupae ended up looking just like this. I looked up the caterpillars and the nearest thing that they looked like was a Knot Grass Moth Caterpillar. I could be wrong in my identification of the type of moth, but they are definitely the larval stage of a moth.
4 Jun, 2017
The second one seems to be a Comma butterfly caterpillar. I'll look re. the first one.
6 Jun, 2017
Hi Greenfingers, I wanted to let you know and correct my previous post in answer. I have since seen the empty pupa cases today and one had a Comma butterfly sitting by it, just before it flew off. So I was wrong in identifying it as a moth caterpillar and Longleaf was correct. I have now also found a couple of articles that say they like blackcurrent bushes. I am very pleased and don't mind sharing my blackberry bushes if it helps the comma butterflies.
15 Jun, 2017
Looks like a dot moth to me Green fingers.
4 Jun, 2017