By Richg
What is the best way to produce viable black lace cuttings
4 Jun, 2017
This was asked here a few years ago - here's a copy of the reply
This should come really easily from cuttings. As Wyeboy says, softwood cuttings are probably the easiest to take, but make sure you put them into fairly gritty compost, and cover them with a plastic bag supported by little canes or sticks, for at least three weeks before removing it. Put in a shady spot, like under the staging in a greenhouse.
My Black Lace sambucus cuttings are now rooted and I did them three weeks ago I see from my diary.
Alternatively you can take hardwood cuttings in the autumn from them and plant them in a sheltered place over winter. They should have rooted by the end of the following summer.
4 Jun, 2017
Sorry Sheila, crossed with you.
4 Jun, 2017
No problem, Sue - your reply is more useful!
5 Jun, 2017
5 Jun, 2017
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If you mean Sambucus nigra 'black lace' (?) just take a 3" or 4" cutting with no flower and pot into compost mixed with grit for good drainage. Water it in, but keep it fairly dry and warm.
4 Jun, 2017