By Bramhallbill
United Kingdom
Our predecessors planted a berberis below a flowering cherry in the corner of the front garden. Berberis shoots up then I cut it back. It was 6 ft high and about 4 ft wide. Anyway I cut it back. Right back. I foot high. No sign of new anything! Will it grow on old wood?
I can't totally take it out with the cherry. A wall is 2ft high sets the edge B is always a threat to kids passing by. A friend has planted a berberis hedge down the road. Takes all sorts.
5 Jun, 2017
Most Barberries are as tough as old boots, but a few can be persnickety. Any idea which species it was?
6 Jun, 2017
I removed some at the side weeks 2 weeks ago to see the cherry trunk more & get past the car into the drive. The top was where the growth was. Last thursday I took everything down to 6inches-9 & 1ft high. The bush is over 25 yrs old & hardy. One year new leaves were totally eaten by tiny snails. They live in the cavity wall
6 Jun, 2017
Hi, 5 days isn't very long for a shrub to rejuvenate itself, especially as you've taken it back to the oldest wood, it should start to show signs of regrowth in about a month or so, Derek.
6 Jun, 2017
My gardening is totally on hold as I 've just had an op & no lifting for 6 weeks.....I will be in just looking mode
9 Jun, 2017
Ouch!! Oh, well, sometimes just looking over time is the best way to learn gardening.
10 Jun, 2017
nowt yet
14 Jun, 2017
I think you are expecting to much too soon Bramhallbill, were there any side shoots let when you cut back or did you remove them all?
14 Jun, 2017
Seen 2 lots of growth not bad for less than 2 weeks
17 Jun, 2017
Should come back okay... when did you give it he chop? I'd only have removed half the height, if that, but it 'should' still survive.
5 Jun, 2017