By Goodbloke1
United Kingdom
I had a loopin that started off really well this year
but they died very quickly, when I had a look at the roots
there was nothing there and the soil (clay) was very wet
then about six feet away the same thing happened to a large poppy but this time the soil wasn't so wet but
again the root system had completely disappeared!!
I wonder if you have any ideas? other plants are doing ok but there are a few that have not shown at all that should be here by now
20 Jun, 2017
could also be the smaller keeled slugs too.
welcome to GoY too :o)
21 Jun, 2017
Previous question
« Hi everyone, I have a few more plants for you to identify if you don't mind....
Sounds like either vine weevil or cutworms - both like chomping on roots.
20 Jun, 2017