By Gardener46
United Kingdom
I have 3 unusual plants in my garden which I know were not planted by me. Initially they appeared around 3-4 ft tall and like a shepherd's crook. They are now over a metre tall and have flowered. Can you identify them for me please as the stem in totally upright and has withstood gales.

23 Jun, 2017
Agree, Allium - they're bulbs, maybe you don't remember planting them? These don't pop up on their own...
23 Jun, 2017
Seedlings are possible, but you would have noticed the big leaves over the last three or four years.
23 Jun, 2017
Previous question
« I have had this plant for a few years but I never knew the name. Anybody know?
Look like Allium sphaerocephalon (Round-headed leek) ... view Google images to confirm.
23 Jun, 2017