Could someone help me (Strawberries)
By Khalid
United Kingdom
Could someone help me. I started growing some plants at home to encourage the kids in planting Fruits & Veg. Planted Strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers and chillies. They all did great for a start but the strawberries ( 4 Plants ) just had a few fruits and then stopped producing any at all. All the other plants ie tomatoes, cucumber and chillies are still doing great. Anyone know why this could be? Thanks.
On plant
18 Aug, 2010
If they are new plants they won't produce a lot in their first year. Also the up and down weather we have been having will have affected them. Leave them in the soil until next year (they are very hardy) and they should produce more fruit then. If you don't want any new plants to grow from the runners that the plant puts out then nip them off with a pair of scissors and this will concentrate the plant energy into producing more fruit.
Finally have you been feeding them? I use liquid tomato feed once they start to flower.
Good luck with them next year.
18 Aug, 2010